Tuesday, August 16, 2016


We LOVE Tech-Tuesday.  

It's a chance to express our creativity and practise our communication skills.  We learn how to brainstorm, problem-solve, collaborate and to negotiate AND we have a bit a fun along the way too.

Today our challenge was to use at least one plastic bag to create something that could be used.

First we brainstorm our ideas with a group and then we collectively come up with our main idea.
  Then we draw our design.  We have learnt that a good design diagram has labels and a list of materials we need.

Next, we gather all the materials we need to make our design

We set to work.  Some kids work in pairs, some in larger groups.  We are allowed to choose what learning situation works best for us.  Some of us choose to work in Wonderland because it is a quiet work space.  Others choose to work in the Rainbow Room.

Along the way, we problem solve and continue to develop our ideas

We think creatively, like Kalas who ended up making a whole entire outfit for people who couldn't afford to buy clothes - what a thoughtful friend you are Kalas

We work as a team towards achieving a common goal

We come up with truly creative and original ideas - like Alex the bride!  He even made a diamond ring, a greenstone necklace and flowers.  His hair is beautiful too,

And then there's Zena and Lucy who made outfits with a special compartment so they could pick up rubbish in the classroom

Sophie even chose to make a matching outfit for Dawson too! 

At the end of the challenge, we get together and share our inventions.  We assess each other against the success criteria to see if each group met it.

There is a lot of learning happening in Piako Rua during Tech-Tuesday.  Our teachers love hearing us discussing our ideas and seeing us be free to problem-solve and think creatively.

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